Monday, 21 September 2015

Preliminary task


For our upcoming preliminary task we will be demonstrating different types of camera shots and angles through a process which contains planning, filming and editing.

Match on action - This mean that the perspective of the camera changes during a scene and the scene
then continues to flow.

Reverse shot - This is a type of camera angle in which the shot views the action from the side of the
previous shot. This will usually be used during conversations between two people, this gives the effect of one actor looking at the other.

180 degree rule - This means that in a scene the camera should stay within 180 degrees on one side
of the 'invisible line'. If this rule is broken then it could result in confusion for the viewers.

My group consists of three people, those three people are Daniel Haywood who will be in front of the camera but will also contribute to the things behind the camera. Dane Buckley will be more behind the camera and myself will be contributing more in front of the camera, but everyone will contribute to something during the preliminary task.

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