Saturday, 12 September 2015

First Media Blog!

Hello world, my name is Daniel Winn, I am 16, English and this is my media studies blog. My task is to explain to everyone a little bit about me as a person in this blog as well as a few extras. The reason as to why I like media studies is because it is one of the stand out subjects, it's different to most subjects because you learn about technology in a interesting way. I have little knowledge about media studies but I'm sure that will change as time goes by.

Action films are within my highest interest because they keep my attention. The Fast and Furious series would be my personal favourite if I had to choose because me growing up as a kid I always had an obsession with cars and so as I grew older the first Fast and Furious film came out, it just matched everything I was and still into, it's been a favourite of mine for a long time! If you have not seen any of these film series I would strongly suggest you give it a chance. What would is yours? and why?  

The things I'm looking forward to the most would be my football season starting and also the NBA regular season beginning, the two best sports from my own opinion. The most nervous thing coming up is most likely my driving test but if not that then my flying lesson for sure but nerves aren't usually a problem in my case because of my characteristics.

I'm Daniel Winn and this is my first media studies blog.

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