Sunday 13 December 2015

Horror Thriller - First ideas

Horror Thriller – First ideas

·        Setting/Location

o   Woods – evening, not too dark

o   Abandoned house

o   Field

·        Plot

o   Someone being followed

o   Murder

o   Hiding from something

·        Narrative

o   Screenplay/screenwriting

·        Characters/representations

o   The protagonist – represented  as weak/vulnerable/nervous/scared

o   The antagonist – represented as shady/suspicious

·        Sound

o   Diegetic – trees blowing in the wind/potentially birds

o   Sound effect – snapping of twig on ground when someone stands on it – close up shot

o   Discordant – uncomfortable music in the background – makes the viewer feel tension/helps build tension and suspense

·        Camera shots/types

o   Close up – on twig on ground, someone walks over and snaps it – shallow focus

o   Establishing shot – show setting

o   Mid-shot – Show expression of the character that is targeted

o   Low angle – low angle on the antagonist to show the power of the character

o   Tilt shot – looking at a footpath, protagonist walks past camera looking behind as he does so – shows the nervousness of the character

o    Ellipsis – antagonist walks towards camera from long distance, cuts to not far away from the camera, then cuts to the character walking past the character – shortens time

·        Iconography

o   Low lighting

o   Tension building music

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